Sacred Contracts Package
($447) - 5 private sessions with Andrew
My mentor and teacher of this art form, Dr. Norm Shealy, once shared with me that when he first did this same archetypal process and experience it set off a 6 month 'Encounter with Heaven' for him - a period he described full of blissful syncronicity as he connected with and integrated all parts of himself.
This is the experience for those ready to go deeper into their self exploration, awareness, and evolution. Explore your 12 major archetypal energies. There are 4 common to all of us and 8 personal that you will select.
- Natal Archetype wheel selection process and guidance (2 sessions)
- Natal Archetype wheel casting and candle lit ceremony (1 session)
- Archetype interpretation and intuitive reading (2 sessions)
- Archetype integration and overlay as it works in accord with your unique astrology chart (infused into all sessions)
- This is a multi-staged process that we work together with over the course of several in person or online meetings
*based on the work of Caroline Myss (Sacred Contracts)
*prerequisite of already having an astrology chart reading with Andrew or adding one on for $147 here. The astrology chart is a critical component to a holistic understanding of the self and personal archetypes you choose.
(Greater explanation below)
What is a Sacred Contract?
We're each born with a sacred contract. A the soul level, we have agreed to learn certain lessons and to develop wisdom in this lifetime. Archetypes are the specific energetic 'companions' which serve as guardians and inner allies to support us on our respective life missions. They provide the foundation for your personality, drives, feelings, motivations, and actions. While they are both universal and ancient, they become personal as they are ingrained in your own psyche as patterns.
The more conscious you can remain about your archetypal patterns influencing your behavior, the more likely it is that your choices and lessons will serve your spiritual empowerment and life.

Archetype Selection (2 sessions)
At the center of your being, you come to experience 12 fundamental aspects of the universal patterns (archetypes).
The first three we all have and those are – the Saboteur -- guardian of choice, the Prostitute -- guardian of faith and the Victim -- guardian of self-esteem.
We then all have a child, with which we choose one out of six different variations.
Finally, we have eight other archetypes, specific and personal to each of us individually– this is selected form a list of 80 cards. We determine which energetic patterns most resonate with you over time.
To identify your archetypes I use the archetype card set designed by Caroline Myss.
Casting the Wheel of Origin
Once you have selected your Archetypes, we are ready to choose the house it belongs in. By doing this we find out which part of your life is directly associated with which Archetype, as well as how they all work together in a syncronous, integreated, holistic, and holographic way.
Within this interpretation stage I also integrate the symbolic language of your natal astrology chart into the reading and show you how these work together for a comprehensive, dynamic and intuitive look into your life, potential, opportunities, etc.
Why would you want to know what your archetypes are?
This is the foundation of your life character. Sometimes they come out in the shadow and sometimes in the light.
It is our choice whether we work our archetypal energies in the shadow or light. In the shadow aspect, we are operating at a relatively less conscious level and undesirable results can occur.
This can then be transformed once we know what the light aspect of the archetypes is, and learn how to utlize it's energy best.